Sunday, May 19, 2013

Last day of school is Wednesday. I should probably be studying, but the only finals I have tomorrow are music and math. The music one is all about the elements of sound and the Middle Ages/Renaissance/Baroque/Classical eras, and on math we can use a 5x7 notecard to remember formulas and whatnot, so it'll be a breeze.
I've been writing a lot lately, and it's kind of taking over. Most of the time I just want to stay in my room, listen to GnR, and write. I've also been listening to a lot of symphonic music lately. I tend to write more poetry when I'm listening to like, Mozart or Beethoven or Haydn. And the tone/mood of what I write differs between composers. Like, all the poems I've written while listening to Mozart are dark and symbolic, whereas the ones I've written listening to Beethoven are kind of philosophical and sarcastic. You are what you listen to.
Warped tour last year was kind of a bummer, in all honesty. Aside from meeting Kellin Quinn and seeing Falling In Reverse, it was bad. People spat stupid comments at me about my weight and my scars, and we only saw one band play (FIR). And I spent all my money on water. Afterwards, I decided I never wanted to go back. Annnnnd a few months ago, Black Veil Brides announced that they'll be playing the main stage all summer. I was so torn, man. I ended up buying tickets, because, other than Warped (it'll be in St. Louis on July 24th), they had no tour dates announced near me. I'm not exactly looking forward to it, considering last year's experience...
However, I am looking forward to seeing Slash ft. Myles Kennedy & the Conspirators again on July 21st at The Pageant. I saw them last summer, and it was the absolute best night of my life. Hopefully seeing BVB three days after that will top it.

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